Dish wash bowl
Par:The normal dish wash bowl is often too low for the central camping sinks, this makes doing the dishes a lot more annoying than normal. Could you develop a dish wash bowl with deeper contents?

The normal dish wash bowl is often too low for the central camping sinks, this makes doing the dishes a lot more annoying than normal. Could you develop a dish wash bowl with deeper contents?
At the campsite I want my caravan to stand stable, especially because you have to do with uneven terrain.
I always bring along wooden blocks to the campsite.
I know that this can be easier done with stacking blocks, but how do I find out which base fits the stacking blocks?
Kind regards,
Lire la suiteIl y a quelques mois, un client nous contactait avec la question suivante:
‘’Lorsque nous allons en vacance dans d’autres pays, nous sommes souvent confronté
à divers adaptateurs de robinet dans les campings
(lisse, avec filetage,avec raccord, différents diamètres),
et je me retrouve bien souvent avec le mauvais adaptateur en main.
Auriez-vous un adatateur s’ajustant a tous types de robinets ?